avixanthin 100
Reliable and effective pigmentation
Many consumers associate a strong colour with freshness and health, and consider them an indicator of high quality. This has been proven in numerous consumer studies. For this reason the colour of poultry and fish products is of central importance for the purchase decision.
How does the colour get in the egg?
Carotenoids are responsible for the colouration of egg yolk, skin or flesh of fish. The animal is not able to form these itself, therefore they must be supplemented continually via the feed. Carotenoids occur naturally in many raw materials, in feed it is mainly maize and maize by products that are the source of yellow colouring carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin).
Factors influencing pigmentation
The carotenoid content assigned to the feed components should be checked regularly as the colourant content can reduce dramatically during storage - in the case of maize, for example, it can reduce to less than 50% of the initial value. The quality of the feed fats used can also have a negative impact on the carotenoid effect, as can high contents of vitamin A in the feed (or via drinking water), mycotoxins, and intestinal or respiratory diseases. It should also be kept in mind that feed intake reduces when temperatures rise. During heat periods it is thus necessary to increase the content of supplements accordingly.
Canthaxanthin- more than just a colour
. Canthaxanthin is one of the carotenoids with high antioxidative potential and is a much stronger radical scavenger than e.g. alpha tocopherol. This explains the observation of improved survival rate of chicks following supplementation of the breeding hens with canthaxanthin. The supplemented canthaxanthin is stored in the egg yolk and thus leads to an improved antioxidative status resulting in lower oxidative stress. Furthermore, canthaxanthin is also said to have an immune- modulating effect and stimulate the communication between cells via the gap junctions.
Finding the right dose
An attractive colouration generally requires a combination of yellow and red colouring carotenoids. It is vital to ensure an adequate foundation of yellow colourant in the feed in order to avoid false colours. It may be necessary to supplement a standardized yellow colourant (e.g. AVIZANT yellow 20 HS) as a rule intensive golden yellow to orange coloured egg yolks can only be achieved through the additional use of a red colourant. The desired colour can be adjusted reliably and cost effectively with AVIXANTHIN 100 (canthaxanthin).
Perfect formulation
AVIXANTHIN 100 is available in the form of free flowing micro granules with excellent blending properties. The granules consist of tiny encapsulated globules in which the colourant is finely dispersed and protected by natural antioxidants and a matrix of gelatin and carbohydrates. This guarantees optimal stability in premixes and feed as well as high bioavailability.